When you think about the time and money you invest in your education and in your career, protecting yourself with Student Liability Insurance is one of the best decisions you will make. Without coverage, all your hard work and planning could be in jeopardy.
Is your investment at risk?
You may think that a "professional liability lawsuit" is only a concern for licensed healthcare professionals or other healthcare providers, but students face risks every day. Each time you provide services, you risk allegations of malpractice, error, or professional negligence.
Peace of mind, for as little as $20 a year
TRMS offers Liability Insurance for students, designed to cover activities such as practicum and internships. With your Occurrence-type coverage, you will be protected in lawsuits resulting from participation in graduate curriculum, no matter when the suits are filed, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Get covered
There is no better time to get covered! Our online application takes only minutes to complete, but your occurrence coverage lasts for a full year.
Apply online now